Friday, June 20, 2008

The speech on Second Economic Seminar of the Organization of Afro - Asian Solidarity by Ernesto Che Guevara

Ernesto Che Guevara:

The speech on Second Economic Seminar of the Organization of Afro - Asian Solidarity

February 26, 1965

Dear Brothers:

Cuba is attending this conference to raise on her own the voice of the peoples of America; and as we have emphasized on other occasions also, Cuba speaks both in her capacity as an underdeveloped country and as a country building socialism.

It is not by accident that our delegation is permitted to give its opinion here among the peoples of Asia and Africa. A common aspiration unites us in our march toward the future: the defeat of imperialism. A common past of struggle against the same enemy has united us along the road.

This is an assembly of embattled peoples, and the battle is being developed on two equally important fronts which require all our efforts. The struggle against imperialism for liberation from colonial or neocolonial shackles, imposed by political arms or firearms or a combination of the two, is inseparable from the struggle against backwardness and poverty; both are steps on the same road leading toward the creation of a new society of justice and plenty.

It is imperative to take political power and to liquidate the oppressor classes; but then the second stage of the struggle, which perhaps may have more difficult features than the first, must be faced.

Ever since monopoly capital took over the world it has kept the greater part of humanity in poverty, dividing all the profits among the most powerful nations. The higher standard of living in those nations is based on the misery of ours. Thus to raise the standard of living of the underdeveloped peoples, there must be a fight against imperialism. And each time a country is torn away from the imperialists, it is not only a partial battle won against the main enemy, but it also contributes to the general weakening of that enemy and is one step more toward final victory.

There are no boundaries in this struggle to the death. We cannot be indifferent to what happens anywhere in the world, for a victory by any country over imperialism is our victory; just as any country's defeat is a defeat for all of us. The practice of proletarian internationalism is not only a duty for the peoples struggling for a better future, it is an inescapable necessity. If the imperialist enemy, American or any other, develops its attack against the underdeveloped peoples and the socialist countries, simple logic determines the necessity of an alliance between the underdeveloped peoples and the socialist countries. If there were no other uniting factor, the common enemy should be it.

Of course this alliance cannot be made spontaneously, without discussions or previous birth pangs, which sometimes can be painful.

Each time a country is freed, we say, it is a defeat for the world imperialist system, but we must agree that real liberation or breaking away from the imperialist system is not achieved by the mere act of proclaiming independence or winning an armed victory in a revolution. Freedom is achieved when imperialist economic domination over a people is brought to an end.

Therefore the socialist countries have a vital stake in making these acts of breaking away from the imperialist system successful; and it is our international duty, a duty determined by our guiding ideology, to make this liberation as rapid and thoroughgoing as possible.

A conclusion must be drawn from all this: The development of countries now starting out on the road to liberation should be paid for by the socialist countries. We state it this way without any intention whatsoever of blackmail or dramatics, nor of currying favor with the Afro- Asian peoples, but as a profound conviction. Socialism cannot exist without a change in conscience to a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, not only within the societies which are building or have built socialism, but also on a world scale toward all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression.

We believe the duty of aiding dependent countries should be approached in such a spirit. There should not be any more talk about developing mutually beneficial trade based on prices rigged against underdeveloped countries by the law of value and the inequitable relations of international trade brought about by that law.

How can one apply the term "mutual benefit" to the selling at world-market prices of raw materials costing limitless sweat and suffering in the underdeveloped countries and the buying of machinery produced in today's big, automated factories?

If we establish that kind of relation between the two groups of nations, we must agree that the socialist countries are, in a way, accomplices of imperialist exploitation. It can be argued that the amount of exchange with underdeveloped countries is an insignificant part of the foreign trade of the socialist countries. That is a great truth, but it does not eliminate the immoral character of the exchange.

The socialist countries have the moral duty of liquidating their tacit complicity with the exploiting countries of the West. The fact that the trade today is small does not mean much. In 1959, Cuba sold sugar only occasionally to a socialist-bloc country, usually through English brokers or brokers of other nationalities.

Today, 80 per cent of Cuba's trade is with that area; all her vital supplies come from the socialist camp, and in fact she has joined that camp. We cannot say that this was brought about solely by the increase in trade, nor that the increase in trade was brought about by the destruction of the old order and the adoption of the socialist form of development; both extremes touch and are interrelated.

We did not start out on the path that ends in communism, foreseeing all steps as logically predetermined by an ideology advancing toward a fixed goal. The truths of socialism and, even more, the naked truths of imperialism forged our people and showed them the path which we consciously took later. The peoples of Asia and Africa that are advancing toward their own complete liberation should take the same path. They will follow it sooner or later, regardless of what modifying adjective their socialism may take today.

There is no other definition of socialism valid for us than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man. As long as this has not been achieved, we are in the stage of the building of socialist society; and if instead of achieving this goal, the elimination of exploitation comes to a halt, or worse, is reversed, then it is false even to speak of building socialism.

We have to prepare conditions so that our brothers can directly and consciously take the path of the complete abolition of exploitation, but we cannot ask them to take that path if we ourselves are accomplices of that exploitation. If we were asked what the methods were for establishing just prices, we could not answer because we do not know concretely the full scope of the problems involved. All we know is that, after political discussions, the Soviet Union and Cuba signed agreements advantageous to us, in accordance with which we will sell five million tons of sugar at prices fixed above those of the so-called Free World Sugar Market. The People's Republic of China also pays those prices in buying from us.

This is only a beginning; the real task consists of fixing prices that will permit development. A great ideological change is needed to change the character of international relations; foreign trade should not determine politics, but should on the contrary be subordinated to the politics of fraternity toward peoples.

Let us briefly analyze the problem of long-term credits for developing basic industries. Frequently we find that beneficiary countries attempt to create industrial bases too large for their actual capability, whose products would not be all consumed domestically. And they mortgage their reserves in this effort. Our reasoning is that in the socialist states investments weigh directly on the state budget, and are only paid off through the utilization of what is produced by the investment in the entire manufacturing cycle. We propose that some thought be given to the possibility of making these kinds of investments in the underdeveloped countries.

In this way an immense hidden force in our continents - miserably exploited but never aided in their development - could be tapped and a new era begun of a real international division of labor, based not on the history of what has been done up to now, but rather on the future history of what can be done.

The states, in whose territories the new investments are to be made, will have all the inherent rights of sovereign property over them without any payment or credit due, but they would be obligated to supply agreed-upon quantities of products to the investor countries for a certain number of years at fixed prices.

The method for financing the local expenses incurred by the investor country in such projects also deserves study. The supplying of marketable goods on long-term credits to the governments of underdeveloped countries could be one form of aid not requiring the expenditure of freely convertible funds.

Another difficult problem is the mastering of technology. The shortage of technicians in underdeveloped countries is well known to all. Educational institutions and teachers are lacking. Sometimes we even lack an understanding of which of our needs should be given priority in a program of technical, cultural, and ideological development. The socialist countries should supply the aid for organizing centers for technical training; they should insist upon the great importance of this, and supply technicians to fill the present need.

It is necessary to insist further on this last point. The technicians who come to our countries must be exemplary. They are comrades who find themselves in a strange environment, often one hostile to technology, with a different language and totally different customs. The technicians facing this difficult task should be, first of all, communists in the most profound and noble sense of the word. With this single quality, plus flexibility and a modicum of organization, wonders can be accomplished.

We know it can be done because brother countries have sent us a certain number of technicians who have done more toward the development of our country than ten institutes, and have contributed more to our friendship than ten ambassadors or a hundred diplomatic receptions.

f we could achieve the above-listed points, and also if the underdeveloped could acquire all the technology of the advanced countries unhampered by the present system of patents, which prevents the spread of the inventions of different countries, we would progress a great deal in our common task.

Imperialism has been defeated in many partial battles. But it remains a considerable force in the world, and we cannot expect its final defeat save through effort and sacrifice on the part of all of us.

The proposed steps, however, cannot be taken unilaterally. The development of underdeveloped countries should be paid for by the socialist countries, we agree. But the underdeveloped countries must also exert all their forces to embark resolutely upon the road of building a new society - whatever its name may be - where the machine, an instrument of labor, is no longer an instrument of the exploitation of man by man. Nor can the confidence of the socialist countries be expected by those who play at balancing between capitalism and socialism, trying to use each force as a counterweight in order to derive certain advantages from such competition. A new policy of absolute seriousness should govern the relations between the two groups of societies. It is worth emphasizing again that the means of production should preferably be in the hands of the state, so that features of exploitation may gradually disappear.

On the other hand, development should not be justify to complete improvisation; it is necessary to plan the construction of the new society. Planning is one of the laws of socialism; and without it, it would not exist. Without correct planning there can be no adequate guarantee that all the various sectors of a country's economy will combine harmoniously for the forward strides which our epoch demands. Planning is not an isolated problem of each of our small countries, distorted in their development, possessors of some raw materials or producers of some manufactured or semimanufactured goods, but lacking in most others. From the very beginning, planning should tend toward some regional view in order to coordinate the various national economies, and thus bring about an integration on the basis of a genuine mutual benefit.

We believe the road ahead is full of dangers, not dangers conjured up or foreseen in the distant future by some superior mind, but palpable dangers deriving from the realities besetting us. The fight against colonialism has reached its final stages; but in the present era, colonial status is only a consequence of imperialist domination. As long as imperialism exists, it will, by definition, exert its domination over other countries. Today that domination is called neocolonialism.

Neocolonialism was first developed in South America, throughout the whole continent, and today it begins to be felt with increasing intensity in Africa and Asia. Its forms of penetration and development have distinct characteristics. One is the brutal aggression we have seen in the Congo. Brute force, without concealment or disguise of any kind, is its final weapon. But there is another more subtle form: political penetration in liberated countries, alliances with the growing indigenous bourgeoisies, development of a parasitic bourgeoisie closely linked to the old metropolitan interests. This development may be fostered by a certain temporary rise in the popular standard of living, because in a very backward country the simple step from feudal to capitalist relations marks a great advance, although it may later bring dire consequences for the workers.

Neocolonialism has shown its claws in the Congo. That is not a sign of strength, but of weakness; it had to resort to force, its final weapon, as an economic argument. This has evoked opposition of great intensity. But at the same time a much more subtle form of neocolonialism is being practiced in other countries of Africa and Asia, and is rapidly bringing about what some have called the South- Americanization of these continents; that is, the development of a parasitic bourgeoisie, which adds nothing to the national wealth of their countries, but even goes so far as to deposit its huge dishonest profits in capitalist banks abroad; and to obtain more profits, this parasitic bourgeoisie signs pacts with foreigners with absolute disregard for the welfare of the people of their countries.

There are also other dangers such as competition between brother countries, which are politically friendly and sometimes neighbors, because both are trying simultaneously to develop the same investments in markets which cannot take the increased volume of products, This competition has the disadvantage of wasting energies that could be used for much greater economic cooperation, and furthermore it allows the imperialist monopolies to play games with us.

When it has been impossible to get a certain investment from the socialist camp, there have been occasions when it has been obtained by agreements with the capitalists. Such capitalist investments not only have the disadvantage of the way the loans are made, but others, such as the creation of a joint corporation with a dangerous neighbor. Since these investments in general parallel those made in other states, they tend to cause divisions between friendly countries by the creation of economic rivalries; and further, they create the dangers of corruption flowing from the constant presence of capitalism which is so skillful in conjuring up visions of advancement and luxury in the minds of many people.

Later on, when prices in the saturated market decline, the countries engaged in the parallel production find themselves obliged to seek new loans, or to permit additional investments for further competition. The falling of the economy into the hands of the monopolies, and a slow but sure return to the past is the final consequence of such a policy. As we see it, the only safe way of obtaining investments from the capitalist powers is for the state to have direct control as the sole purchaser of goods, limiting imperialist participation to the supplying of goods in accordance with the contracts and not permitting them to get beyond the street door to our house. And here it is just and proper to take advantage of inter-imperialist contradictions in order to secure the least burdensome terms.

It is necessary to watch the "disinterested" economic, cultural, and other aid which imperialism grants directly or, since it is better received that way in some parts of the world, through puppet states.

If all of the dangers pointed out are not seen in time, some countries that began their task of national liberation with faith and enthusiasm may find themselves unwittingly stepping onto the neocolonial road, and find further that monopoly domination has been gradually establishing itself within their territories with such subtlety that its effects are difficult to discern until they brutally make themselves felt.

There is a big job to be done. Immense problems confront our two worlds - that of the socialist countries and that called the "third world" - problems directly concerning man and his welfare, and the struggle against the main culprit for our backwardness. In the face of these problems, all countries and peoples aware of their duties, of the dangers inherent in the situation, of the sacrifices required by development, should take concrete steps to cement our friendship in the two fields - which can never be separated - the economic and political. And we should organize a great solid bloc which, in its turn, helps new countries to free themselves not only from political domination, but from imperialist economic domination as well.

Our attitude toward liberation by armed struggle against an oppressor political power should be in accordance with the rules of proletarian internationalism. If it is absurd to imagine that in a socialist country at war a factory manager would demand a guarantee of payment before shipping to the front the tanks produced by his factory, it is no less absurd to inquire of a people fighting for liberation, or needing arms to defend its freedom, whether or not they can guarantee payment.

Arms cannot be regarded as merchandise in our world. They should be delivered to the peoples asking for them for use against the common enemy without any charge at all, and in quantities determined by the need and their availability. That is the spirit in which the USSR and the People's Republic of China have offered us their military aid. We are socialists, we constitute a guarantee of the proper utilization of those arms; but we are not the only ones. And all of us should receive the same treatment.

To the ominous attacks by American imperialism against Vietnam and the Congo, the answer should be the supplying of all the defense equipment they need, and to offer them our full solidarity without any conditions whatsoever.

In the economic field we must conquer the road to development with the most advanced technology possible. We cannot climb the long ascending road from feudalism to the atomic and automated era. That would be the road of immense and largely useless sacrifices. It is necessary to seize technology at the height it has attained today to make the great technological leap ahead which will reduce the gap between the more developed countries and ourselves. This means big factories and a properly developed agriculture. And above all, its foundation must be a technological and ideological culture with enough mass base and strength to guarantee the continuing sustenance of the institutes and research organizations which have to be created in each country - as well as the men who, utilizing the present technology, may be capable of adapting themselves to the newly mastered technology.

These cadres must be conscious of their duties to the society in which they live. There cannot be an adequate technological culture if it is not complemented by ideological culture. And in most of our countries a proper foundation for industrial development, which is what determines the growth of modern society, cannot exist if we do not begin by assuring for our people the necessary food, the essential consumer goods, and adequate education.

A good part of the national revenues must be spent on the so-called unproductive investment in education, and special attention must be given to the development of agricultural productivity. The latter has reached incredible levels in many capitalist countries, producing the senseless crisis of overproduction and a surplus of grain and other food products and industrial raw materials in the developed countries while the rest of the world suffers hunger, although it has enough land and labor to produce several times over what is needed to feed the entire world.

Agriculture must be considered a fundamental pillar of our development, and therefore changes in the agricultural structure, adjustment to the new technological possibilities, as well as the new duties of eliminating the exploitation of man, should be fundamental aspects of the work

Before making costly decisions that could cause irreparable damage, a careful study of the national territory is needed. This is one of the preliminary steps in economic research and an absolute prerequisite for correct planning.

We warmly support Algeria's proposition for institutionalizing our relations. We would like to make some supplementary suggestions: First, for the Union to be an instrument in the struggle against imperialism, the cooperation of Latin American countries and the alliance of the socialist countries is necessary.

Second, we should be vigilant about the revolutionary character of the Union, preventing the admission into it of governments or movements not identified with the general aspirations of the people, and creating mechanisms that would permit the separation from it of any government or movement diverging from the just road.

Third, we must advocate the establishment of new relations which create a revolutionary jurisprudence to defend us in case of conflict, and to give new meaning to the relations between us and the rest of the world.

We speak the language of revolution and we honestly fight for the victory of that cause. But frequently we entangle ourselves in the nets of an international law created as the result of confrontations between the imperialist powers, and not by the free peoples, the just peoples, in the course of their struggles.

For example,.our peoples suffer the painful pressure of foreign bases established on their territories, or they have to carry the heavy burdens of foreign debts of incredible size.

The history of these burdens is well known to all of us. Puppet governments, governments weakened by long struggles for liberation or by the operation of the laws of the capitalist market, have acquiesced to treaties which endanger us internally and compromise our future.

This is the time to throw off the yoke, to force renegotiation of oppressive foreign debts, and to force the imperialists to give up their bases for aggression on our territories.

I would not want to conclude these remarks, this repetition of concepts you all know, without calling the attention of this gathering to the fact that Cuba is not the only American nation; it is simply the only one that has the opportunity of speaking before you today; and that other countries are shedding their blood to win the rights we have; and that when we send our greetings from here, and from all the conferences and the places where they may be held, to the heroic peoples of Vietnam, Laos, so-called Portuguese Guinea, South Africa, or Palestine - to all exploited countries fighting for their emancipation - we should simultaneously extend our voice, our hand, our encouragement, to our brother peoples in Venezuela, Guatemala and Colombia who today, arms in hand, are giving a resolute No! to the imperialist enemy.

And there are few settings from which to declare this as symbolic as Algiers, one of the most heroic capitals of freedom. And the magnificent Algerian people, steeled as few others in suffering for freedom, and firmly led by its party headed by our dear comrade Ahmed Ben Bella, serves as an inspiration to us in this fight without quarter against world imperialism.

Ernesto Che Guevara

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

InGuraPresei cu Mircea Badea

Eeee... vorbim de lucruri abstracte, anticipam situatzii si dezbatem teorii ... suntem niste prefacutzi... nu demult zombi incompetent ce sunt am inceput sa schimb canalele pe teve ... era tarziu ...sau era devreme? mai tzin minte ... in fine, initzial e k am dat peste emisiunea d'lui Mircea Badea d p antena si ramasesi captivat si uimit... chiar uluit de atata originalitate si de talent. Evident v'atzi dat seama k no sa am de gand sa critic impresia k am mai si scris intr'un blog anterior cateva cuvinte despre "actorul" preferat ...Badea ...Emisiune geniala, succes intr'un ansamblu categorisit la un grad inalt ...
Credeam k no sa gasex niciodata ceva ce sa pot urmari zilnic cu dare si cu bataie... de inima desigur.

Arhiva Emisiuni.... ---><---

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tudor Octavian ...bune-rele

Printre putzinele ziare pe care le citesc se numara si JurnalulNatzional ... o chestiune de stil de originalitate de suflet si nu in ultimul rand de un inalt criteriu de viatza ... politic social ratzional ... totu pare sa fie pe bune ...daca e sa dau un sfat sa ghidez sa instig pe cineva sa citeasca un articol plauzibil , despre viatza , amuzant , filozofic chiar real am sa ai garantez k asi va face o parere exagerat de buna despre acest editor ... sincer m'am saturat de atatea prostii de prin ziare ...faza ironica cel mai citit si vandut ziar din Romania este tabloidul Libertatea ... :)) nu prea e de ras ... chiar ne caracterizeaza?!... zilnic vezi busturi si subiecte stupide, nu stupide ... exagerat si irelevant de stupide ... pe prima pagina .... uof ... ma ia durerea de cap ... In fine vroiam sa subliniez k daca intradevar cautatzi ceva bun prin ziare si doritzi sa nu va dezamageasca usor va sugerez promt si zilnic editorialul d'lui Tudor Octavian de pe pag a-2-a din ziarul Jurnalul Natzional .... toate bune si frumoase .... :D

Articole scrise de Tudor Octavian

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Emo sub o forma deplorabila...

"opera" dintr'un cotidian independent nu va avea dreptul numelui scris pe blogul meu ... amuzat am fost cand lam citit dar scarba si greatza pe care au radiat'o editorii acestui articol ma inspaimanta...

"Blestemul sataniştilor a ajuns şi în Focşani

Sinuciderea este fericirea supremă a adepţilor EMO

Ei au fost văzuţi şi în Vrancea, se îmbracă ciudat şi au tendinţe suicidare

Sinuciderea este fericirea supremă a adepţilor EMO

Denumirea provine din grecescul Ťaimať care înseamnă sânge
Cercetătorii susţin că însuşi Hitler, la începutul anilor 20 ai veacului trecut, a făcut parte dintr-o trupă Emo
Mulţi îi confundă cu punkiştii, rockerii sau metaliştii

Presa centrală a semnalat zilele trecute cazul unei adolescente de 12 ani, adeptă Emo, care s-a sinucis. Focşănenii nu sunt străini de faptul că în oraşul lor există astfel de grupări care se aseamănă cu cele sataniste.

Sâmbătă seară(17mai), la postul de televiziune OTV, în cadrul unei dezbateri naţionale, un tânăr din Focşani a intrat în direct şi a declarat că a ade­rat la Emo.
În zona Teatrului Maior Gh. Pastia pot fi văzuţi frecvent tineri care au adoptat stilul de viaţă Emo. Băieţii se machiază, se îmbracă în hanorace negre. Adepţii EMO se mutilează pe mâini, bărbaţilor le place să poarte pelerine negre, culori închise, au breton şi un ochi acoperit, sunt machiaţi, le place să-şi tatueze corpul şi au mult metal pe corp.

Flagelarea provoacă plăcerea
Un emo nu e în măsură să-şi folosească mâinile decât în acte de flagelare, să sângereze. Naşterile la femei sunt foarte rare, sinuciderile făcând imposibilă ducerea sarcinii la capăt. Fac sex în grup fără să ţină cont de un partener pre­­-ferenţial. Adepţilor Emo le place să se fotografieze în oglinda closetului. Adeziunea la gruparea Emo are la bază toxicodependenţa, hemora­giile spontane, slaba rezistenţă la alcool. Emo se izolează pentru că se simt excluşi şi de aceea rămân la periferia socie­tăţii. 99 la sută sunt bisexuali, nu fac nici o diferenţă între bărbat şi femeie.
Lipsa de comunicare cu ceilalţi îi determină să se mani­feste altfel, să se evidenţieze. Prin muzică, prin haine, prin coafuri. Dacă familia nu îi tolerează şi societatea îi res­pinge, aceştia recurg la gesturi extreme. Sinuciderea este fericirea supremă a adepţilor curentului Emo.

Copilul Emo
Rămaşi singuri, copiii aderă la diverse grupuri sociale, aşa cum e şi Emo. Aceştia au tendinţa să se urască, să se considere inferioare celorlalte persoane, să fie extrem de aspre cu ei înşişi, toate acestea, culminând, uneori, cu tentative de sinucidere. Această stare se manifestă în perioada adolescenţei, sau perioada critică, aşa cum o denumesc specialiştii, când tinerii, încercând să se regăsească, au şansa să se simtă frustraţi.
Copilul Emo poate fi recunoscut după ochii puternic conturaţi, coafurile rasta, părul relativ lung sau ciufulit, de culoare neagră, sau, eventual, în combinaţii cu unele culori "ce sar în ochi". Se e­videnţiază şi prin felul lui de a se îmbracă purtând tot felul de combinaţii ciudate de haine pe care oamenii nu le poartă, în general şi poartă o geantă lungă tip poştaş.

Ce este un "EMO"
După unele studii, numele acestei gru­pări vine din grecescul Ťaimať - care înseam­nă sânge. Emo pare a fi un subgen al punkiştilor din anii 1980. Genul Emo a luat fiinţă în 1920 când a debutat un grup vienez "Numai în ungherul meu� din care a făcut parte şi Adolf Hitler. Termenul de "emo" vine de la "emoţional" care ne poate duce, eventual, cu gândul la acele persoane ceva mai sensibile, afective, şi uşor de impresionat. "Emo" este, de fapt, starea pe care persoana ce se consideră astfel o are din cauza unor decepţii peste care nu a putut trece.

Părerea psihologului
Psihologii sunt de părere că aceia care intră în grupările de acest gen sunt labili şi nu au nişte valori etice solide. "Acum câţiva ani o liceană, rockeriţă, s-a aruncat în faţa trenului. Au fost nişte grupări sataniste în Focşani care vedeau sinuciderea ca fiind fericirea supremă. Curentul EMO este la modă acum. E ceva specific adolescenţilor care nu au nişte valori bine definite. Sinuciderea este o etică a lor, iar depresia este bine primită în gruparea lor. Ei sunt teribilişti, vor să trăiască altfel decât ceilalţi", a precizat Maria Arginteanu, psiholog."

EMO .... more or less?

Puţini români auziseră, probabil, despre curentul "Emo" pînă săptămîna trecută, cînd sinuciderea unei fetiţe de 12 ani a şocat opinia publică. Presa s-a grăbit să asocieze gestul fatal al Andradei Mocănescu cu ciudatele preferinţe vestimentare ale copilei. Unul dintre colegii Andradei le-a mărturisit jurnaliştilor că fata se îmbrăca bizar şi se machia cu negru pe la ochi. În plus, asculta muzică rock. Deci, era "EMO". Iată, aşadar, explicaţia tragediei!

Acest raţionament care scîrţîie din toate încheieturile a declanşat o adevărată isterie mediatică. Se vorbeşte despre "un nou pericol în rîndul tinerilor", despre "moda sinucigaşă", despre o generaţie cronic deprimată. Cică adolescenţii cu breton oblic şi haine strîmte îşi petrec zilele jucîndu-se cu lama pe venă. Dezgusta
ţi prematur şi iremediabil de viaţă, se distrează doar anticipîndu-şi moartea şi plîngîndu-şi între timp de milă. Andrada Mocănescu ar fi fost victima acestei mode morbide. Şi dovada că ne aflăm în faţa unui fenomen extrem de primejdios. Această perspectivă senzaţionalistă nu rezistă însă unei examinări mai atente.

În primul rînd, nu se poate vorbi despre un fenomen social extrapolînd concluziile unui singur caz, oricît de cutremurător ar fi acesta. Cu atît mai mult cu cît nu există dovezi certe că Andrada Mocănescu făcea parte dintr-un grup (concret sau virtual) de ad
epţi ai curentului "EMO". Să zicem însă că făcea. "EMO" e o modă, nu o sectă. Este, de fapt, cel mai recent avatar al indemodabilei răzvrătiri adolescentine, pe care a traversat-o de-a lungul timpului fiecare generaţie.

Fiecare generaţie tînără şi-a avut "look"-ul, muzica, revolta. Bretonul oblic se înscrie într-o lungă tradiţie: de la freza à la Elvis la pletele hippie, de la tunsoarea "Bros" la meşa "depecherilor". Hainele şi machiajul s-au tot schimbat, atitudinea a avut mereu cîteva constante: contestarea, teribilismul, dorinţa de a şoca generaţia
părinţilor. Acestea sînt inevitabilele efecte secundare ale pubertăţii.

Toţi adolescenţii lumii s-au simţit la un moment dat rău în pielea lor, inadaptaţi sau neînţeleşi. Celor care cred că pragul dintre copilărie şi maturitate a devenit dificil abia după apariţia "EMO" le recomand filmul lui James Dean din 1955, "Rebel fără cauză".

Nici obsesia morţii în rîndul celor foarte tineri nu este o invenţie de dată recentă. Jurnalul lui Jeni Acterian din anii ’30 ar putea deveni astăzi o adevărată Biblie a generaţiei "EMO" În urmă cu mai bine de şapte decenii, o adolescentă care se pregătea pentru Bacalaureat scria pagini sfîşietoare despre inutilitatea vieţii şi despre chinul unei existenţe trăite cu certitudinea ratării. Contempla şi ideea sinuciderii. Însemnările ei ar face azi furori pe bloguri.

Jeni Acterian nu avea cercel în buză şi nu se farda strident. Era o mare iubitoare de lectură şi de muzică. Clasică. Nu versurile vreunui cîntec la modă i-au marcat adolescenţa, basculînd-o la limita depresiei. Pur şi simplu, există sensibilităţi care suport
ă mai greu anii dificili ai maturizării. Hipersensibilitatea nu e o chestiune de modă, ci de fire.

Nici vîrsta ingrată, nici moda nu explică însă gesturile extreme.

Nu vreun şlagăr lacrimogen a împins-o la sinucidere pe Andrada Mocănescu, după cum nu cîntecele
lui Marilyn Manson au provocat în 1999 carnajul de la liceul din localitatea americană Columbine. Milioane de tineri au ascultat aceeaşi muzică, fără ca apoi să-şi pună capăt zilelor sau să se transforme în ucigaşi în serie. Milioane de copii s-au uitat la desene animate, dar numai unul a sărit de la etaj, încercînd să zboare ca eroul său preferat. Există între aceste cazuri un numitor comun? Putem vorbi despre un "fenomen"?

Dacă există un fenomen, acesta se rezumă la tendinţa societăţii de a căuta explicaţii facile, dar spectaculoase pentru tragediile care se abat prea mult de la limitele normalităţii. Anumite gesturi rămîn imposibil de înţeles, chiar şi din perspectiva patologicului. Nu vom pricepe, probabil, niciodată ce mecanisme i-au determinat pe doi elevi de liceu să-şi masacreze cu sînge rece colegii şi profesorii într-o veritabilă orgie de sînge. Alteori, însă, explicaţiile sunt l
a îndemînă, dar adevărul este prea dureros. Este mai uşor să dăm vina pe seama unui context mai larg decît să analizăm lucid circumstanţele concrete, responsabilităţile imediate.

preluare Jurnalul National

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Abstract 002

Incerc sa ma catapultez in timp, merg pe fulgi de zapada dar am impresia k sunt petale de trandafir ... devin negre ... ma pandeste groaza si incep sa tremur ... devin emo ... :| Mai bine ma uit la luna ... cea mai lunga distantza din lume este cea de ieri pana maine duc sa beau o bere devin si mai emo ...m'am intalnit cu unu ieri si mia zis k "iarba" lui e emo ..."se taie singura" :))... e bine scuteste de timp ...-unde ramasesem-..?! ...asa uitam la luna si faceam mijto de ea ... creca sunt beat ...sau plictisit ... iacata scriu numa prostii ... ma tzin in priza ... luna, stele, 10 beri ... prostii ....n'ai treaba acasa frate ... stai k sunt deja acasa :)... creca ies sa ma destind ... afara creca incepe sa ploua ...continui acum acest articol inceput de cateva zile ... data e falsa ... in fine ... plictiseala mare... ies draq odata ... busy ...suspect .... mai bine zic stepped out ...creca am probleme'... gata salve ...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Abstract 001

Mai am putzin si intru intr'o transa molipsitoare de stare erotica ... adik mie sila de mine . Sunt asa de multe idei ce'mi trec prin stomac si sunt constient k am slabe sanse sa le vad din profil vreodata... Ami vine sa bag capu'n perna si sa tzip :P sau sa bat pe unu care mi'e antipatic'l pocnesc, sa i'o dau la pancreas pifometru, la smecleu ... dupaia sa afisez un zambet de "vreau ovaz" care sa nu'mi dispara decat pana la urmatoarea perna, eventual victima. Se'apropie bacu si nam nici o stare de griji, de stress, de neliniste ... creca e lenea ... e molipsitoare. Vreau sa'mi iau un R8 da nam bani de benzina nici pt loganu meu... uof doare capu si am ramas fara dicarbocalm, ce draq fac!? tresa intru in panica , ma linistesc , ma gandesc la poeziile lui Eminescu ...:)) GlumesC !! ...poate gandul la cateva episoade HappyTreeFriends ami va schimba starea...Am o sila pe mine ...creca mi se face rau bag la somn.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Electric Six

Official Site ----> X <----

Electric Six - "Gay Bar" (Hi Res)

Electric Six "Danger -High Voltage"

Downloads: IsoHunt ---->X<----

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What What ( In the butt )

SouthPark Version
Butters - "What What (In the Butt)"

Original Version
Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cititor fidel ...

........ doare capu si incep sa citesc din ziare ...creca sunt sinucigas ...cum draq!(indignat)... asa am ajuns?! , doar stiu k se scriu numai prostii, numai minciuni, lucruri care nu fac decat sa ne obsoarba timpul nostru pretzios si sa il inlocuiasca nesimtzit cu un sindrom degeaba i se zice manipulare mass-media ... acu ma doare si mai tare... capul desigur . Incep sa ma delectez cu putzina coruptzie( nijte exemple de oameni cinstitzi din tzara), cat de saraci lilpitzi sunt unii care desigur asa se nasc asa mor, cum altzii devin milionari peste noapte. incerc sa intzeleg ... atata agitatzie nu ami provoaca decat greatza si foame... doi factori greu de combinat ...

Cateodata desigur mai gasesc si cate ceva cemi capteaza atentzia in asa o maniera incat sa incep sa calculez si sami imprim in memorie ...ceva ce merita ...sau ceva ce este discret pus ...o acoperire ...o umplutura ...ceva pus la plesneala care ne pacaleste intr'un final si reusim sa ne acomodam cu ea... O sa ma opresc aici k daca incep nu mai termin ... am atatea subiecte de dezbatut... modalitatzi, variabile, rezultate ...atat de multe raman "neverificate" pe lumea asta ...pacat k avem prea putzina putere si mult prea putzin timp...

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Favourite Song

Gary Jules - Video Link "Mad World"

"Mad World"

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world ... mad world
Enlarging your world
Mad world

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Nazi UFO & Wonder Wapons


Since 1950 there were many claims about alleged German developments of revolutionary saucer-shaped crafts able to fly with incredible performances, from a sort of "supersonic helicopter" to hard-to-believe interstellar spaceships.

These crafts were believed the same "flying saucers" (later named UFOs) sighted by many people all around the world since 1947. According to the many would-be "inventors" and enthusiasts of this theory, UFOs would not be of extraterrestrial origin but man-made.

The "German saucers" are often known also as the "V-7 legend": this comes from a reportedly circular aircraft named "V-7" and claimed to have flown in Prague on February 14, 1945.

Latest developments of the legend, including claims of German space journeys to the Moon, Mars and near stars will be also taken into consideration.

Also of interest are all those rumours about secret Allied developments of original German projects,
Nazi underground bases and related stories, like Hitler's escape and mysterious U-Boats sighted after the end of WWII.

Besides claims of would-be inventors and rumours, there are no original first-hand historical documents about the development of saucer-shaped aircrafts by the Germans. The supporters of the saucers' reality say that most but all documents and blueprints were destroyed by the Nazis before surrender or captured by the Allied and never released, due to their extreme strategic importance. Investigation for locating possible undisputable sources is still running.


The reality of the "Nazi UFOs" has been highly controversial. No really hard historical evidence about the undisputable existence of such advanced technology has been presented so far.

There are some clues and many fascinating rumours that have been creating a real myth about the so-called "Nazi UFOs". One of the main scopes of this site is just the collection and deployment of documents able to evaluate the whole story better and under a critical point of view.

The Schriever "Flugkreisel"

1950 Artwork of a Nazi Saucer

"The are our own!"

A would-be situation

Again the Schriever Disc

Artistic Rendering of a "Saucer"

The Miethe Disc: an Artwork

Alleged photo of an armed Saucer


Just after the fall of the Third Reich the international press began to introduce more or less fantastic stories about alleged "wonder secret weapons" developed by the Nazi scientists during the last months of WWII.

The early achievements got by the primitive jets, rockets and missiles, as well as the discoverey of huge amounts of prototypes and, above all, blueprints, stimulated the birth and the circulation of wild stories about amazing "wonder weapons".

The technological breaktroughs got by the Nazis, and their evil aura, created a sort of "fascination" and wishful thinking about the subject of the German secret weapons. It was a popular subject for most of the international press (as well as the never-ending controversy of Hitler's death or survival) in the second half of the forties and many tabloids and popular weeklies emphasized rumours and uncontrolled news about fantastic German wonder weapons.

The cold war helped to spread such rumours, as some of those terrific weapons were said to have been captured by the Russians, the new enemy. This could be a terrible threat against the Western countries and a good argument to justify the need for attention and new resources for the military.

Rumours were made easier and "more credible" by the veil of secrecy of any Soviet activity and the paucity of verifiable sources.

Most of the information available about such fantastic "wonder weapons" is pretty vague and typically unsupported by reliable sources.

The enthusiasts of these legendary "weapons" say most but all of the documents and blueprints about them went lost because destroyed by the Germans at the end of the war or seized by the Allied and then never disclosed.

Actually there were hundreds of "real" projects (many of them really odd and with no reasonable chance of success) for new fighters, bombers, and missiles. Additionally there were also many intriguing projects, prototypes or even small-scale productions of advanced weaponry, still quite obscure. Some of them will be covered in this site, but we recommend to buy some of the books currently available to have a much larger coverage.

Some rumoured German "wonder weapons":

  • space mirrors
  • atomic bomb
  • terrific bombs
  • death ray
  • piloted missiles

Some odd German "wonder weapons":

  • infrared devices
  • "luftfaust"
  • huge tanks
  • air-to-air missiles
  • winged missiles
  • wind cannon
  • sound cannon

"Sound Cannon"

"Jet Helicopter"

Piloted V-2

Infrared Scopes

For more info and images click Here -->X<--

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Indignat si revoltat

Iar am un chef nebun de aplatizare a unor subiecte poate neinteresante pentru unii... oricum nu ma intereseaza de voi cititorilor...probabil, tristi cum suntetzi, natzi mai iesit din casa cu zilele, atzi dat si de post-ul meu... si ce altceva sa facetzi decat sa'l cititzi.... doar avetzi tot timpul din lume ....mie mila de voi.... IN fine ...initzial vreau sa dezbat un singur subiect ...daca ma ia valu si aberez iar numai prostii ...tot nu imi pasa ...cum va zisesi mai devreme doar ce naiba ...suntetzi asa naivi ...Subiectu de azi ...mai bine zis comentariile mele la adresa ...sunt despre si la Mircea Badea ...bunul si traznitul nostru prieten din pamfletul "In gura presei"... pe langa faptul k nu trebuie sa specific sau sa mentzionez k este o parere personala pt k nu este ...emisiunea pur si simplu abreviaza de la termenul "genial" ...din cauza k in ziua de azi exista mult prea multe lucruri...sau hai sa le spunem informatzii care nu au decat un singur rol si acela de dezinformare a maselor...atata minciuna, atata ipocrizie si egoism...toate aduse de putere vor pieri de putere...toate generatziile anterioare raman fara prea multe prejudecatzi inferioare ...adik hai sa ne deschidem ochii si sa vedem daca este asa ...In primul rand majoritatea varstelor trecute de perioada stralucitoare a vietzii sunt mult prea slab restu nu le pare k le plac sa fie sclavii societatzii k altfel nu pot sai fac...
Toata lumea traieste intr'o rutina mizerabila si saraca in tzara asta ...ajungem sa ne fie rusine cu noi insine...ceea ce ar cam fi ultimul si cel mai josnic lucru de facut de pe lista ..
Nea Badea ne arata si el tot ce poate si ce cam are voie ...pentru k hai sa fim sinceri...nici asa nu'i chiar asa ... oricum apreciez enorm metodele sale de abordare si simtzul umorului in prezentarea unei realitatzi a tzarii ...chiar a lumii care pentru multzi este invizibila ... ne mai deschide ochii din cand in cand spune si ne cearta "de ce suntem asa naivi?"... are multa dreptate
Intr'o tzara condusa doar de interese nevoile poporului retrogradeaza intr'o divizie slab cotata in care domina "blat'ul" ....
Si de aici se pare k ne este mai usor sa "inevoluam " decat sa luam exemple dupa "granzi" si sa ne mai retusam si noi defectele ...Incepem sa lovim animalele... oare de ne'a cuprins disperare ...prostie este multa si va continua sa fie da nici chiar asa oameni buni ...prostie caracterizata sub o forma (citat Mircea Badea) ingalata, grasa, slinoasa, puturoasa ...
Ne mai putem noi numi "human-beings" sau nijte animale curioase care nusi vor gasi niciodata echilibrul spre absolut , spre perfect ....macar deam incerca ...
Mare jertfa si laude lui Mircea Badea caci e singurul la ora actuala care ne mai arata din cand in cand adevarul gol-golutz despre cum sta treaba in Romania "tzara care ne ocupa tot timpul" ...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Am o "migrena" ! doare capul...
Uite cum iar vorbesc singur si am impresii si pareri cum sar putea sau ar avea o tentativa de schimbare incercand in acelasi timp sa influentzeze spatziul si timpul ....( uof ...iar incep sa aberez ) doare capu si nujt daca sa iau un Redigest sau un Colebil , dumnezeu stie, poate no sa ma mai roada asa de tare toate intrebarile anonime fara raspuns concret ...simt k explodez asta nu este o metafora sau personificare mai ales un cuvant complex poate chiar complicat ...

In fiecare zi ami schimb parerea despre toate lucrurile care le credeam inchise, rezolvate toate dilemele problematice care siau gasit locul in gluga lui Kenny... Poate din cauza k tot ce ne inconjoara se schimba asa de drastic si de rapid ... nu mai pot tzine pasul ... ce sa mai cred daca conflictul din Kosovo este controlat de Americani care vor doar sai atzatze pe rusi sau este doar un bust ereditar al oamenilor care sau trezit brusc la realitate... religii ... conspiratzii ... control ... secret uit la un film documentar despre originile religiei, cum controleaza America puterea globala si metoda financiara de ... uof .... dupaia , bulversat si nervos ami deschid sezonul 5 din SouthPark ( miam amintit de un episod pe care lam sarit ) ...poate lam pastrat special pt ocazii confuze k aceasta dor oasele deatata ras si ma linistesc ...cuvinte vulgare ...oare sunt singura modalitate de "entertainment" care a ramas , care ne mai fac sa ne simtzim in felul acela ciudat si excitant chiar orgasmic ...sau poate am exagerat ...uof ... e greu ... iar ma doare capu ...creca o sa iau si un Redigest si un Colebil poate o sa le combin si cu un Dicarbocalm ...asa k sai multzumesc pe totzi ....
uof ...acum ma doare stomacul ... oare ce sa iau ?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pentru fanii Futurama

Futurama is an Emmy Award-winning animated American sitcom created by Matt Groening, and developed by Matt Groening and David X. Cohen for the Fox Network. The series follows the adventures of a former New York City pizza delivery boy Philip J. Fry after he is accidentally frozen, seconds after the start of a new millennium, on January 1, 2000 and is revived one thousand years in the future.

More info & images :
- Winkipedia

- ComedyCentral

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